Arqueografia - noite em Tilcara

Nas profundezas das noites estelares
a alma pulsa
Marcas ancestrais emergem
dessa quietude esplendorosa
Um universo constelar se descortina
Reflexos, tramas, fios se conectam
Chão e céu se completam
Alma e silêncio se fundem

Arqueography - Night in Tilcara

In the depths of the starry nights
Soul pulse
Ancestral marks emerge
from this splendorous stillness
A stellar universe unveils
Reflections, wefts, threads connect
Ground and sky complement each other
Soul and silence amalgamate


 video Arqueografia


Soprando sobre camadas oxidadas, coloridas de tons férricos, ventos fortes e águas vibrantes sulcaram suas exuberantes formas.

Pisando no seu chão ancestral sentimos as marcas dos Omaguacas entre pedras, montanhas, águas, cactos e animais selvagens.


No silêncio dessas montanhas reverenciamos esse povo encravado nessas terras multicolores onde seus próprios rastros se fundem ao solo ancestral num retorno ao primordial e um ritmo lento faz passar os dias.


 Uma amálgama profunda entre homem, arte e a natureza.


Uma amálgama profunda entre homem, arte e a natureza.




Nesses caminhos árduos, secos
pela ausência que logo será preenchida pelas águas da cordilheira,
há uma plenitude que só o contato próximo com o essencial pode nos oferecer.


No silêncio, na quietude, nos sentimentos: - o ser.

No silêncio, na quietude, nos sentimentos: - o ser. ( tradução)



I’ve just finished a project that started in 2019 in the north part of Argentina, iin Tilcara.

A group of 10 artists went there for an artistic residency.

We were invited by a great photographer named Lucio Boschi that many years ago went to this region and fell in love with this land and its people. Thus they started a very close relationship. Lucio consulted them about building a museum over there. After reaching an agreement he built the “Museo en los Cerros”, among colored mountains in a very beautiful place.

I had an unforgettable experience when I went there for a few days and therefore started a project that is about the encounter of ancestry, present and the mysteries of this people and what that land carries.

Stemming from this is a video where I Evoque the ancestry, night, people, earth and the universe.

In addition to the video I present a large image and some small photographs in various sizes to make a great composition to be hanged on a wall.

Norma Vieira 2021


desmemória dos afetos

